Saturday, June 9, 2007

Kisah Menarik Tentang Orang Boyan

Pernah dengar tentang orang Boyan atau Boyanese? Belum? Sekedar informasi, mereka ini adalah salah satu dari lebih 300 suku di Indonesia. Kalau anda merasa belum pernah mendengarnya, jangan khawatir... I also didn't even know about their existence only until recently, tepatnya setelah saya kerja di Malaysia.

Gimana kalo Bawean, does that ring a bell with you? Okay, Boyan adalah nama lain dari Bawean. Kalau Bawean pun anda belum pernah dengar, yah mungkin itu artinya anda dulu sering ketiduran waktu pelajaran geografi di SD.

Bawean adalah sebuah pulau kecil di wilayah administratif Jawa Timur, di tengah Laut Jawa. Letaknya sekitar 200 km di utara Surabaya.

Yang jadi menarik tentang orang Boyan ini, karena seperti pertanyaan saya di atas, nampaknya mereka ini tidak terlalu populer baik di kancah ekonomi, sosial, maupun politik di dalam negeri. Kalah ngetop dengan orang Jawa, Sunda, Batak, Minang, Betawi, Madura, Bali, Bugis, dll.
Sebaliknya, di Malaysia dan Singapura, orang-orang Boyan ini ternyata termasuk salah satu suku Indonesia yang utama. Kenapa bisa begitu? Karena ternyata mereka termasuk suku Indonesia pertama yang menginjakkan kakinya di tanah Melayu (Malaysia dan Singapura) sejak sebelum Perang Dunia II.

Okay, berikut ini adalah hasil riset kecil-kecilan saya tentang orang Boyan.

Menurut Joshua Project, sebuah grup yang memfokuskan diri pada pemetaan kristenisasi di seluruh dunia, 100% penduduk Bawean adalah muslim.

Hal lain yang saya dapat dari cerita mulut ke mulut orang-orang di sini dan juga dari hasil googling di internet, adalah bahwa orang Boyan nyaris identik dengan sihir atau santet.

Tentu saja kedua informasi di atas jadi sangat menarik karena kontradiktif. Islam dan sihir/santet adalah dua hal yang sangat bertolak belakang. Tapi bisa jadi kedua informasi itu benar adanya. Seperti yang kita ketahui, di berbagai daerah di Indonesia memang masih banyak bertebaran praktek perdukunan/persantetan yang banyak para pelaku dan konsumennya secara formal memang beragama Islam.

Pulau Bawean sendiri dikenal sebagai "island of women" karena para lelakinya kebanyakan pergi merantau, khususnya ke luar negeri. Orang Boyan konon bisa juga ditemukan di sekitar Perth, Western Australia (mungkin jadi pekerja tambang di sana ya?), Eropa, China, Jepang, Amerika Utara dan Selatan, selain tentunya di Malaysia dan Singapura.

Boleh jadi, orang Boyan memang penuh dengan kontradiksi. Penduduk Pulau Bawean sendiri disebabkan lokasinya, relatif terpencil dari kehidupan modern. Di lain pihak, karena banyak penduduknya yang merantau ke luar negeri, pengetahuan mereka tentang dunia luar pun tak kalah dengan penduduk pulau Jawa misalnya.



Anonymous said...

halo.. salam mas.. sy org boyan dari singapur.. salam kenal :-)

Anonymous said...

salam mas dari anak bawean malaysia

Anonymous said...

salam dari anak bawean malaysia

Anonymous said...

Good Afternoon!

Just to let you know.

There is one man from Kuching, Sarawak. Age about 57 years old. His a Healing Power Shaman (Bomoh) and also a Businessmen. He claims he knows everything. He did this job almost 20 years without people know what this guy has done. He is from Kg. Boyan Kuching.

This guy can considered as a 'Deceiving Feet'. He can send supernatural things things from far. All this is inside his Medication Website's. He supposed to give medication to people but he send to make people sicks and after that he gave supernatural treatment. He send to most VIP's to make people sick and also this people will take a medication from him and after he gave the medication he will get closer after all will he asked the VIP's about business. Many people didn't realised.

This Boyanese was working at Harwood Timber at one time and he was retired. Becareful with this people! He can do worship by knowing people's name. He is from Kg. Boyan people and the old family is from Boyan, Indonesia. His full name is Zamhari Bin Hashim. Now staying in Jalan Patingan, Kuching, Sarawak.

If he claims we knows everything and can see everythings if you see this men or his people claims they know everythings, pls ask them how much money inside your pocket at that time (during the meeting or on the phone). Let them answer if this people can answer. I already know this people they cannot answer. They only can tell you about the past because there have something like 'Black Magics' which help them to tell them what was happened in the past. If you ask this guy how much money do you have in your pocket this 'Bloody Bastard' they cannot answer. He can consider as Bloody Cheated'.

His driving Rexton. Becareful! Avoid from this type of people also to his people which like to stare at people.

This guy did this since late 80's-90's. People doesn't know about this men. He told people what so ever also about his healing power. After meet those Big People (for the medication) he will take back what he had send and people don't know about this. This 'Bloody Cheated' using this way to get closer to VIP's and after that he and his people will ask for the project. This happened since 80'-90's. If he said he really know everything and can see everything, ask him how much money do you have in your pocket? This man and his people they cannot answer.
